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21st Century Workplace Forum

Join today’s leading voices to tackle today’s toughest workplace problems

Work-related stress is the fifth leading cause of death globally. 


The majority of companies openly value revenue over employees. It’s generally no longer lucrative for employees to stay loyal to one company until retirement. And in 2024, employees are too busy trying to make ends meet to consider whether their work aligns with their personal values. 


This is the reality of workplace culture in the 21st Century. Where did we go wrong?


This spring, join the Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose (Boston Institute) and the Human Intelligent (HI) Workplace in Orlando, Florida, for our exclusive, groundbreaking forum. Bringing together the brightest minds in academia, leadership, human resources, and other disciplines, this forum will provide a structured space for multidisciplinary discussion and problem solving.


Contact us today to join the conversation as we tackle the deep-rooted issues of today.


What is the 21st Century Forum?

A forum is a meeting place for open discussion and exchanging ideas. At the 21st Century Workplace Forum, the facilitators provide a dynamic mix of short contextual lectures, tools for shared understanding, and rich, highly interactive discussions. Participants will:

  • Learn how to perform problem and opportunity analysis

  • Conduct guided solution development

  • Review and diagnose the state of leadership, organizations, and contributing factors

  • Leverage multi-disciplinary tools to design and plan solutions for the 21st Century



Day One: Join other participants in discussing the historical, cultural, and anthropological influences that have shaped our world today. Facilitators will share diagnostic approaches that include Human Intelligence and Meaningful Purpose Psychology (MP) methodologies. You will review and apply MP and other approaches to diagnose the foundational influences shaping current organization theory and design, leadership and management practices, and organizational development methodologies. 

The discovery process will reveal strengths and opportunities, equipping participants to start designing solutions for hands-on applications.


Day Two: In light of the foundational content shared the previous day, participants will then perform boots-on-the-ground, practical analysis and problem solving for today’s workplace culture. Through the multi-disciplinary perspectives and contributions of participants, we will build solutions and reevaluate the role of leaders, academics, and practitioners. Discussions will be enriched by the contributions of the professional fields represented to achieve multi-dimensional solutions.


Who is Invited?

Our target audience is deliberate. Those who are involved in human capital initiatives within their organization are invited to apply. This includes roles such as:

  • Academic leaders

  • Human resources managers 

  • Training and development practitioners

  • Anthropologists

  • Social scientists

  • Psychologists

  • Economists

  • Historians

  • Organizational development consultants


These key stakeholders help shape organizational life and performance. Together, we will explore how these perspectives provide a rich source of information to develop solutions that transform the work and organization paradigm.


Learning Objectives

Through this highly interactive two-day Forum, you will meet and exchange information with a like-minded multi-disciplinary cohort of practitioners, academics, and leaders to: 

  1. Review and diagnose the current state of leadership and organizations’ quality of work life. 

  2. Glean a rich mix of perspectives from participants on how to build successful leaders and organizations that bring out the best of all stakeholders. We will share Human Intelligence Workplace and Meaningful Purpose Psychology models to provide a framework to leverage and encourage a multi-disciplinary dialogue.

  3. Leveraging diverse perspectives, we will develop solutions to improve the organization’s overall work experience while boosting profitability. 

  4. Review the implications for academics, leaders, human resources professionals, training and development consultants, and organizational development practitioners to discuss how such effects can transform their roles. 

  5. Design action steps for meaningful post-forum improvement.


How to Apply

If you are interested in this Forum, please email facilitator Luis A. Marrero at to indicate your interest. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

About the Sponsors

The Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose 

Luis A. Marrero, M.A., RODP, LLP

The Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose is the hub of Logoteleology, the scientific name of Meaningful Purpose Psychology (MP). The institute was founded by Luis A. Marrero in 1986 in Boston, Massachusetts. Luis pioneered Meaningful Purpose Psychology and Second Wave Organization Development (OD2.0) and is a globally recognized author, coach, consultant, and trainer. 


The Human Intelligent (HI) Workplace was created with the intent of helping organizations become more human-centered. Edwin Mourino, Ph.D., founded the organization to help leaders ensure that their organization not only takes advantage of what AI has to offer but also does so while creating a Human Intelligent organization. Dr. Mouriño is an author, coach, consultant, human capital practitioner, and educator.

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