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Writer's pictureLuis A. Marrero

Meaningantics: Why Problems Persist and A Logoteleological Path to Meaningfulness

Updated: Aug 20

Nothing is as unstable and fleeting in mortal affairs as the reputation of a power that is not founded on its own strength.
Tacitus, Annals, 13.9


Years ago, I found myself pondering a fundamental question: Why do problems persist, enduring decades and even millennia? Despite the promises of numerous academics, gurus, professional associations, large libraries, bookstores, and even the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), why do these issues remain stubbornly endemic? This is the question that motivates our exploration.

Throughout this article, I will share evidence highlighting this challenge, explain how Meaningful Purpose Psychology’s meaningantics general principles not only explain the dynamics, but also offer a beacon of hope, and discuss some steps to remedy the situation. I say “some steps” because explaining the theory, its propositions, and solutions would take a large volume, which is beyond the scope of this article. Let’s first see examples of the persistent symptoms.

Examples of the Challenge

Consider these relentless and consistent historical challenges: employee engagement, change management, poverty, and corruption. These are not mere contemporary inconveniences but persistent, enduring systemic issues that demand immediate and urgent attention. According to experts, 68% of employees are disengaged, 66% of change initiatives fail, 67% of the planet’s governments are corrupt, and 35% of the global population lives in varying degrees of poverty. These are not just numbers but stark realities we have faced for centuries. These realities entail self-inflicted and unnecessary suffering and missed opportunities to maximize human potential and dignity.

How can we make sense of this? And why have we not all learned and applied their successful strategies over time despite the existence of positive deviants? We are challenged to uncover the root causes of these persistent challenges and put an end to these problems. Understanding these issues is the first step toward effective solutions, and there is hope in the logoteleological potential for these solutions to bring about positive change.

As those of you who have followed my work overtime know, Meaningful Purpose Psychology (or its scientific name, logoteleology) had its genesis based on a paradox:

Humanity does not suffer from a lack of answers; it suffers despite the answers being available.

My lifelong purpose has been to find the answer to this paradox. Fortunately, Meaningful Purpose Psychology (MP) students and practitioners understand and avoid being victims of the paradox, and thrive by following its solutions. This leads me to a cautionary comment.

A caution: Meaningantics is one of a collection of MP concepts that must be understood within the overall theoretical framework. No MP concept can be successfully practiced outside its intended theoretical context without the potential of causing harm. This paper is designed to instruct, not to tell the reader how to solve problems through an individual construct. I will say more below on how to become a Certified Meaningful Purpose Practitioner (CMP) for those interested.

To understand meaningantics, please become familiar with the foundational concepts of logoteleology. You can read my books (Available through Amazon) and the articles on this webpage.

Also, I will use in this article the Meaningful Purpose Psychology, MP, and logoteleology labels interchangeably.


Meaningantics is a logoteleological dynamic phenomenon that explains how meaning opposes its proper function. Hence, impaired meanings operate in failure mode. This diminished state explains why problems persist.

Meaning opposes its proper function.

Meaningantic dynamics prevent correct information from coming in, ignore correct information from influencing thinking and behavior, and provide access to incorrect information to sway and drive behavior. This dynamic process can be consciously decided or driven by unaware influences. The effect is still the same: meaningantics are designed to ensure failure.

Meaningantics applies to individuals, groups, organizations, and countries. The concept was conceived through the contributions of multiple disciplines, including systems thinking, political science, psychology, cybernetics, ecology, philosophy, and others.

Meaningantics Propositions and General Principles

There are close to forty propositions that explain the dynamic nature of logoteleology’s meaningantics. I will cover ten foundational explanations in this article. They are not shared in order of importance but rather in relevance to the learner and to encourage curiosity and engagement. Also, many of these propositions are self-evident. Rather than sharing detailed explanations for each proposition, I encourage the reader to reflect on its meaning and significance.

1.      Meanings can and do display antics [anti: against, opposed to] or contain counterforces (e.g., dilemmas, dissonance, resistors).

2.      Meaningantics are the outcomes of antisocial and unintelligent information revealed and shared through underlying attributions, beliefs, and values. These antics can be subtle and operate under the radar as innocent and meaningful influencing forces.

3.      Antisocial and unintelligent information and behaviors are inherited through various antecedents, including DNA, psychosocial factors, social conditioning, cultural influences, accumulated learning, and the current situation (e.g., propaganda). This incorrect information ensures the multigenerational transmission and perpetuation of these behaviors.

4.      A meaning is no better than its sensory organ or willingness and ability to perceive objective reality.

5.      Meaningantics can function outside of conscious awareness. This lack of awareness perpetuates and sustains the dynamics and their outcomes.

6.      Individuals influenced by meaningantics on an unconscious level often deny their existence.

7.      Meaningless (i.e., toxic) social structures oppose their own proper function. The structures kick back.

8.      Current psychological and social structures along with their solutions, operate in failure mode. Consequently, unbeknownst to their implementors, their approaches are designed to perpetuate The Paradox: Humanity does not suffer from a lack of answers; it suffers despite the available answers.

9.      Solutions can and do create new problems. For instance, implementing sound solutions over an unsound foundation will not succeed. At most, it will have a temporary cosmetic effect. It can feel good; it can make sense; but it does not build deep resilient and sustainable roots.

10.  As scientific knowledge advances, due to antics, the potential for failure increases proportionally.

Implications and Opportunities

The Roman historian Tacitus reminds us that true and lasting self-determined power and steady and long-lasting change come from within and are built on a strong, trustworthy, and stable foundation. This applies to all types and levels of social systems, be it the community of nations, organizations, small groups, and individuals. When this ideal stability is missing, it reveals unstable and unreliable psychological and social anima or life force. Meaningantics explains why and how they operate and, most importantly, how to counter their forces in a meaningful way.

In summary, the term “meaningantics” conveys the idea of forces and behaviors that undermine the intended meaning and its purpose. Unfortunately, the evidence insinuates that, while well-intended, the bulk of the promoted solutions have embedded antics.

In my analysis, I refer to ‘meaningantics’ to describe the forces that sabotage the original meaningful intent of meaning.

Another Caution: I want to clarify that I do not attribute intentional meaningantics to well-meaning and honest academics, practitioners, and professionals to cause harm or wrongdoing. The shared principles speak for themselves. Meaningantics operate under the conscious radar. My intent and purpose are to highlight the problem in light of The Paradox and to open the door for others to consider alternatives to current practices, including the promise of logoteleological solutions.

Logoteleological Solutions

While seeking, learning, and using the right information is beneficial, and avoiding the wrong information is equally important, our studies reveal that people often neglect these common-sense practices. The issue, therefore, is not the lack of solutions but the ease with which obstacles to meaning dominate human thought.

If you are interested in learning how logoteleology counters and succeeds over meaningantics, you can aspire to become a Certified Meaningful Purpose Practitioner or contact us to attend one of our learning programs. You can contact me here to be part of the 2025-2026 Certified Meaningful Purpose Practitioner cohort or to participate in one of our future offerings.

I have observed how meaningantics continues to be frustrating to many stakeholders seeking a reliable and meaningful remedy. If meaningantics is a reality in your personal and professional settings, consider contacting The Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose through the link provided.

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