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Writer's pictureLuis A. Marrero

Truth … Anyone? Any Takers? -- Understanding Reality through Meaning Lucidity

Updated: May 22

One of the pleasures of certifying meaningful purpose (MP) practitioners is creating a space for the cohort to examine fascinating – and often controversial – subjects such as “truth.” Students have the opportunity to leverage meaningful purpose psychology tools and methods to take a step back, learn, and practice what I call “meaning lucidity.”

Lucidity refers to clearness, transparency, and the quality of understanding with ease. MP students learn to observe with clarity – to perceive things plainly and intelligibly. It is a discipline to ready the mind to perceive without the obstacles and distortions of biases.

Of course, our goal is to contribute to building a world where its citizens can discern and act intelligently and wisely. Given the world we now live in, the quest for understanding reality and aiding those who deny it is a worthwhile and meaningful quest. While I cannot cover all the elements of how to become a meaning-lucid person, this blog post delves into three key points: the need for integrity, an inclusive love and respect for all people regardless of their persuasion, and genuine free thinking as opposed to being a blind follower. These three contribute to meaning lucidity.

Precursors to Meaning Lucidity

Precursor to Meaning Lucidity

Different from other approaches, Meaningful Purpose Psychology (MP) aims first at being, not doing. You are probably familiar with well-intentioned articles providing a checklist of things “to do” to improve some aspect of our lives. I am not claiming that what the authors offer is bad advice. Actually, I have found that many share very helpful practices. However, we have discovered that focusing on “to-do’s” is like placing the cart before the horse. In the MP method, we prioritize who the person is or wishes to be. Once you know and validate who you are, you will act consistently with that meaning of life. Hence, the MP axiom, “Meaning determines the life agenda.” Assuming a meaningful life, the actions will follow intrinsically and with lucid ease.

Hence, while not comprehensive, here are three “being” or existential goals to aspire to.

The Need for Integrity

Integrity Compass

Every therapeutic cure, and still more, any awkward attempt to show the patient the truth, tears him from the cradle of his freedom from responsibility and must therefore reckon with the most vehement resistance. ~ Alfred Adler ~

Integrity is the cornerstone of truth. Integrity refers to the quality of being honest, principled, and morally upright. It involves adhering to strong ethical standards, consistent actions, and maintaining one’s values even when faced with challenges or temptations. An individual with integrity acts with honor, transparency, and reliability, regardless of external pressures.

Integrity is about being honest, not just with others but also with ourselves. It is about acknowledging our biases, fears, and desires and not letting them cloud our judgment. It’s about seeking truth, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. But it is even more than seeking—it is about valuing integrity as a life priority.

Finally, integrity is a decision. “Will I be a person of integrity? Will I act with integrity regardless of the consequences?”

Inclusive Love and Respect

Inclusive love and respect

Inclusivity is about recognizing and valuing the inherent worth of every individual, regardless of their actions, beliefs, backgrounds, or persuasions. Inclusivity does not mean we violate our conscience by condoning what we know is wrong (e.g., our integrity). Rather, it is about fostering a culture of respect and empathy, where differing viewpoints are not just tolerated, but valued. It’s about understanding that our shared humanity is greater than our differences.

From a lucidity perspective, inclusive love and respect – as mentioned – does not start with a check list. Rather it originates or responds from our ethos and then responds accordingly. Ethos coms from the Greek word “character.” It is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize us. Ethos displays nurturing, affectionate, and benevolent feelings and emotions toward others. When people feel and display hostility towards self and others, it betrays an ailing ethos.

Lastly, inclusive love and respect is not about being a doormat. Inclusive love and respect include our self-love and respect.

Inclusive love and respect are a decision. “Will I be a loving and respectful person? Will I act with consideration and kindness?”

Genuine Free Thinking

Free Thinking

“Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd." Exodus 23:2

A free thinker is a genuine person who does not need others to tell them what the truth is or is not. They have the locus of control, education, and capacity to problem solve with integrity to determine -- as one abilities and existing data allows – what is true and real. Free thinking is not about blindly following the crowd, embracing bias, or adhering to dogma just because it is there. It’s about questioning, exploring, and seeking understanding with an absolute love for truth. Despite compelling evidence, it’s about being open to new ideas and willing to change our minds. It’s about valuing truth over comfort or convenience. In truth-seeking, there is no ego, nothing to defend or promote. Truth and reality are, period.

Becoming a genuine free thinker is a decision. “Will I be the leader of my destiny or surrender my self-determination and dignity to others? Will I learn how to discern truth from falsehood?”

Meaningful Purpose Psychology

As stated, while other problem-solving approaches focus on ‘to-do’ lists and provide checklists to get to the truth, meaningful purpose psychology takes a different stance. It posits that we must first focus on who we are, then what to do will naturally follow.

When we understand our values, passions, and strengths, we can make decisions and take actions aligned with our true selves. In the MP method, the goal of understanding ourselves is to become meaningful, lucid beings. This not only leads to more authentic and fulfilling lives but also helps us navigate the complexities of truth and reality. But it does not end with just navigating—MP students learn to reach and disembark in the right port or destiny with clarity, confidence, determination, and pride.

In conclusion, the pursuit of truth is about being. It requires integrity, inclusivity, free-thinking, and a deep understanding of ourselves. As we navigate this journey, let us remember that lucidity refers to clarity, transparency, and the quality of being able to understand with ease. It is a discipline that prepares the mind to perceive without the obstacles and distortions of biases. Meaningful Purpose Psychology’s meaning lucidity is about being the leader of your destiny—paving the way for a more enlightened and compassionate world.

Join the Meaningful Purpose Psychology Practitioners Cohort

Adult students at work

If you wish to learn more about meaning lucidity or how to become meaningful purpose practitioners, please contact the author ( or We are opening seats for the next Meaningful Purpose Psychology Practitioners certification program and would love to welcome you. Seats are limited.

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